Yay for life, and the world and everything in it! No, I'm not crazy, life is just good. I've been in a weird funk lately, but I have so much to be grateful for that I really can't complain one single bit. This semester is flying to an end (HOORAY!), and after next semester I can say I am a college graduate (not that I couldn't now, it's just that close-minded people don't count AS degrees...fools). That, and there is a certain...someone in my life who just seems to make everything better. Of course, it would be significantly easier if he didn't live seven hours and 480 miles away, but we make it work. As my amazing friend Lola would say (and no, her name has not been changed to protect her, she's just that cool), "How hard do I rock?" So anyway, the picture of that handsome guy looking at your's truly is seriously one of the best guys I've ever met, that's why I was smart enough to snag him ;) Honestly, though, when I first met him I didn't really like him much at all. And after our first phone conversation I told my friends that he was annoying and wondered why I put up with him. Wow...how time changes things.
Peace Out
P.S. Note the totally awesome little button near the bottom of my sidebar that links you to my wicked rad podcast hosted through Odeo (a flurking totally rad free hosting site where anyone can create podcasts)--click it for some cool listens to some readings I had to do for a class.
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