Friday, January 7

Why "Essences of Green"?

I was recently asked by a friend, "Why is the name of your blog called 'The Essences of Green'?" Shortly after that another friend asked, "What is with 'JadeLuckMoney'?" Although it is not required of me to explain, I feel like expressing the meaning of these things at this point in time.

First, I will begin with the information that my favorite color is green.

That said, the breakdown of my name, JadeLuckMoney, will help clarify the name of the actual blog. Obviously, the name is a combination of Jade, Luck, and Money. I suppose I chose these three things because at the time I was feeling a little jealous, a bit lucky, and jealous that I was not lucky enough to have money--or at least more of it. Hopefully it is apparent that the commonality shared by these three things is that they are varying shades of green (although luck is slightly confusing, but commonly associated with the elusive four-leaf clover).

Now the question, "Why 'essences' instead of 'shades'?" Because shades simply implies that there is a difference between each thing. Essences implies that something lies below that particular green which causes it to become a unique shade which can never be perfectly duplicated again. Mimicked? Yes. Replicated? Yes. But exactly the same? Never again.

Feelings, thoughts, and inspirations can be familiar from past experiences, but no two feelings of anger are identical. Comparable yes, but not exactly the same because the circumstances, the people, the location are different. And even if all those variables were once again the same there is no guarantee you would react as you did before simply because your knowledge of the previous situation would perhaps cause you to act more quickly, wait to share your insight, or simply leave all together.

Jade. Luck. Money. Each of these things is green. Yet the pools of light and ink of darkness transform them so drastically they obtain their own identities to the point that their kinship is an obscurity wreathed in layers of differences. And yet, they are green.

To Mr. Anonymity

The reason my name is on the page is because of the aforementioned belief that if anything is important enough to write for others to see, then it warrants a name. But I appreciate the feedback and hope you'll continue to post comments!