Monday, February 27

Well I don't expect the world to move underneath me, but for God's sake could you try?

I'm done. I'm through. I quit. I want no more of this.

What, you may ask, am I giving up on? Dating. Relationships. The possibility for love. Why, you may ask, do I feel this way? Let me tell you...

I've never had a second date. If I lived in a world where I could ask all my first dates why, then perhaps I could make the necessary changes to get a second date. As things are, that's not happening. Anyhoo, case in point. Friday I went on what very well may have been the best date of my life. We didn't do anything extravagant or wonderful, just had a lot of fun. At the end I initiated a hug, which led to a kiss (neither of us made a "move" to speak of--it just sort of happened). I was on an ecstatic high. That was, until I received the following message today (via MSN Messenger):

"Listen, Chelsea, i feel like a douche, but i just got out of a serious relationship last month, we were ring shopping... and i thought that i was ready to jump back into things but i was wrong, i'm sorry but this just won't work." Right. That's cool. I've been there. But what was so difficult about telling me this BEFORE introducing me to your family? BEFORE I befriended your two-year old niece, and your dog? BEFORE I shared a recipe with your mother?

I completely respect honesty, but sometimes it comes too late.