Saturday, March 12

Getting to Know Jenna

If you need anymore information on any of these questions just ask!

1. Name on your birth certificate: Jenna Marie Janes
2. Nicknames: Dolly (but only my grandmother calls me this)
3. Piercing/tattoos: Ears pierced. I wear a clip-on on my stomach for work, I'm considering just getting one.
4. Eye color: Blue/Green (depends on what I wear)
5. Hair Color: Dark brown
6. Place of birth: Cedar City, UT
7. Favorite food: Chinese
8. Ever been to Africa? Someday...
9. Ever been to Europe? (See previous answer)
10. Hawaii or Mexico? I've been to Mexico (Tijuana and Ensenada), I think Hawaii is overrated.
11. Love someone so much it made you cry? Only once...dumb bastard.
12. Been in a car accident? Just one and everybody was fine
13. Croutons or bacon bits: Bacon bits
14. Favorite day of the week: Tuesday, because I don't have Physics
15. Favorite restaurant: Brad's Food Hut
16. Favorite flower: Starburst Lilies
17. Favorite sports to watch: Why watch when I can play???
18. Favorite hot drink: Hot Chocolate with Vanilla and Hazelnut creamers
19. Favorite ice cream: Double Fudge Brownie (by Dreyers)
20. Disney or Warner Brothers: What can I say? I love Beauty and the Beast...
21. Favorite Fast Food: Wendy's
22. Color of bedroom carpet: Emerald berber with flecks of peach and rose (ie, UGLY)
23. How many times did you fail a drivers test: None :)
24. Name a tragic event from your life: When my dog Mitzi of 13 years died.
25. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Barnes and Noble
26. What do you do when you're bored? I wish I had time to be bored!
27. What time is bedtime? Usually 10:30 on weekdays. Weekends go from 2-4am.
28. What is your most interesting scar? The one on my wrist from cutting it on a broken cookie jar as a toddler.
29. Did you have a childhood pet? If so, what was it? I had a miniature schnauzer named Butch (who died). A Blue Heeler named Buff (who ran away). And another miniature schnauzer named Mitzi (who just died in August of complications from diabetes). I also had a little neon fish I named Shark who tragically died when I finally cleaned the bowl.
30. Favorite TV shows? Law and Order and Monk
31. Ford or Chevy? Dyed in the wool, true blue through and through a Chevy girl.
32. Last person you went to dinner with? My sister Natalie and niece Lily
33. What are you listening to right now? Band called Mest, song "Chelsea"
34. What is your favorite color? Green
35. Lake, ocean or river? Lake (I have a phobia of sharks...)
36. How old are you? 20

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